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Who We Are

"Respect, Responsibility, Relationships, Readiness, ReFlection."

General Information:

Students enrolled in Mesa Valley County School District #51 have an alternative to traditional schools. R-5 High School is an alternative high school that provides students ages 16 to 21 a positive, self-paced learning environment. The instruction at R-5 is individualized so that each student may enroll and progress at his or her own rate. The program of study consists of academic courses and projects in the core areas of English, Math, Social Studies, Science, Computer Science, Personal Finance, and Careers. Graduation from R-5 requires 25 credits.

Students attending R-5 High School are placed in courses and projects that are competency based with the option to accelerate. Responsibility for success rests on each student by attending school each day, as well as completing academic work in order to receive academic credit. Teachers serve as advisors and facilitators making every effort to meet each student's needs by prescribing a course of study that addresses individual learning styles.

Major components of the Alternative Cooperative Education Program [ACE] are technology training and student preparedness for entry-level job skills. This program helps meet the needs of the student, the employers, the labor market, and the taxpayers. It helps provide a pool of potential full-time employees who are already trained to meet company requirements and who are, therefore, more productive in the workforce. The R-5 staff mentors students and connects with on-the-job supervisors, thus reducing turnover and training costs while providing reliable and dependable workers.

Admission Requirements:

1.         A student must be at least sixteen years old or qualify for the Young Parents Program.

2.         A student may be referred by his or her school counselor, administrator, or enroll at the start of the school year.

3.         A student must maintain no less than a 70% attendance rate.

4.         A student must be employed for at least 15 hours per week at a pre-approved location, be actively volunteering at an approved site, involved in an approved internship, be enrolled and active in the R-5/Eureka! Outdoor Program, be accepted for admission to Career Center, CMU Tech, or CMU (for more info on CMU Tech, visit their website here), or attend the 7th and 8th hour vocational intervention at R-5.