Academic Options at R5 High School
R5 High School provides alternative education options for students ages
16-21. R5 High School is primarily project-based, meaning that students engage in learning through in-depth, relevant projects. These projects often require skill sets involving independence, responsibility, critical thinking, and problem-solving. R5 does not expect students to have these skills upon enrollment as all students will enter the R5 Orientation Program when attending R5 their first quarter.
R5 Orientation Program
The R5 Orientation Program involves project-based learning in a structured setting to help students develop the necessary skills needed to be successful at R5 and beyond. During R5 Orientation, students gain an understanding of school expectations, develop relationships with peers and teachers, and become accustomed to the processes leading to successful graduation from R5. Students earn high school credit through the projects in the R5 Orientation Program and begin to chart their graduation plans.
R5 Advisory Program
Advisory is the heart and soul of R5 High School. Each student at R5 has an advisor and belongs to an advisory group that functions like a family. Students receive support and guidance from their advisors on their academic and personal journeys to high school graduation with R5.
Advisory groups meet each school day to connect, work on graduation plans, and progress toward the demonstration of graduation proficiencies that are required to graduate from high school in D51 and the State of Colorado. Advisors at R5 High School play a large role in the success of students and are deeply involved in their graduation ceremony as strong relationships drive the support students need to be successful.
R5 Credit Recovery & Individualized Options
R5 High School often specializes in credit recovery and individualized learning opportunities for students. Working from a personalized graduation plan, students are guided by their advisors on paths to successful completion of high school. Many of these paths involve individualized learning opportunities for learners to engage in learning that is meaningful and relevant to their lives. R5 advisors often collaborate with students to tailor projects to student needs that demonstrate proficiencies of Colorado State Academic Standards.
R5 High School Secondary Placement
All students attending R5 High School are required to have and maintain a Secondary Placement. There are several options for the Secondary Placement requirement including a job with a verified employer, internships, apprenticeships, volunteer work with a verified non-profit organization, involvement in the Eureka Outdoor Program, concurrent enrollment with CMU Tech or the D51 Career Center, or involvement in the R5 High School Young Parent Program. Students earn elective credit through their Secondary Placement with R5 High School. See the R5 Program section for more information.
R5 High Eureka Outdoor Program
R5 High School offers an incredible program for students through a partnership with the Eureka McConnell Science Museum. Through the Eureka Outdoor Program, students have the opportunity to explore the outdoors learning about science, navigation, wilderness safety and preparation, team building, and more. Students travel from Glenwood Springs and into Utah for activities led by Eureka staff. Students can earn additional credits through this program which is often a popular avenue for credit recovery.